Website Current Information


The Gate is back in service

Blue Water Coach Homes
Join us on February 14th at 5:00 PM for a fun-filled evening at the Clubhouse. Let's spread the love and celebrate Valentine's Day together! Please bring an appetizer or a sweet treat to share and your favorite drink. We’re excited to reveal our Valentine’s Basket Raffle! Raffle Tickets will be for sale at the event. You may be the Lucky Winner! Thank you to Sherri Whitlock-Kolar for decorating the Clubhouse

Fence Ace installed the gate on Saturday. The opener mechanism is not working because Diamond Access disconnected something to keep it from damaging itself. Stephanie Kolenut will be contacting the company to come out to fix it. The repair will hopefully take place this week.

Save The Date
Blue Water Horse Race march 8th 4:30 PM


March 20, 2025 at 3:30 in clubhouse

Please be advised that if you have not cashed the Ian assessment check, Linda Jordan our treasurer would appreciate that you do so as soon as possible.

Downspouts: Daniel Porter and John Muensterman have met with the gutter subcontractors to address the issues with the downspouts discharging into the landscaping. A solution has been determined. Soffits: A list of repairs for all soffits is being compiled, Elias Brothers will be submitting a proposal for repairing all damaged soffits..

Gutter work has been started. The gutters are white and will remain white until our scheduled repaint in 3 years. Residents, please note that in the event there is an area of concern affecting your unit, please fill out a work request and submit it to one of the Board members. There are some forms on the bulletin board in the club house.

Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 1:41 PM Cc: Subject: BLUE WATER COACH HOMES - SEASONAL ADDRESS CHANGES Good Afternoon Blue Water Coach Homes, As season approaches and you are preparing to make your return to Florida for the winter,
please don't forget to send Stacey at Paragon an email updating
your mailing address to your mailbox here. Stacey is also cc'd. **Please note - you will also have to email Stacey when you return up north for the summer
to change your mailing address to your northern address. *This is only for any mail coming from the Association*

Bluewater Coach Homeowners, As the Board of Directors begins the 2025 budget process, we have a goal of maintaining and
improving our community while being good financial stewards. As part of the budget process, we would like to know if you have any comments regarding
improvements to our community. The following items are already in progress: - Roof replacement for all buildings - Needed replacements of fascia and gutters - Window replacements for all units - Quotes for hurricane shutters for the clubhouse - Quotes for power washing of driveways, sidewalks, and street gutters - Quotes for seal coating of our street - Quotes for mulching of our beds - Quotes for the extension of our weekly clubhouse cleaning schedule to include the pool deck and furniture - Review of Tiki hut maintenance - Quotes for seawall repair We have previously received requests for the following: - Park benches around the lake - Updated gym equipment - Updating the current lighting of the palms around the lake. - Improved landscaping beds in the building courtyards - Improved address identification of buildings

Roof Repair Update for Blue Water Coach Homes See below for the projected timeline and other
information. Monday, September 16th • Interior inspection of attic space of building 14 to identify the roof support structure. • Interior inspection of 2nd floor units and 1st floor unit garages of buildings 6, 7, 13, &
14 to identify existing drywall damage, stains, etc. prior to starting work. Sunday, September 22nd • HOA will use traffic cones provided by EBG to block off the overflow parking space on the south side of the clubhouse. These spots will be used exclusively by EBG for parking and staging for the entirety of the project. Monday, September 23rd • Mobilization/delivery of equipment & materials • Dumpsters will be placed on the east side of street between buildings 6 and 12 & between building 13 and the outer curb. See attachment A. Monday, September 30th • Tear off begins per schedule below. • Tear off is expected to take 6 to 7 days per building. • Two days before tear off begins, HOA will notify owners in the respective buildings. • EBG will place plywood on pavers for protection. • EBG will place scaffolding over/around AC units for protection. • There will be no parking on the driveways of the respective buildings until the work is completed. • EBG will place No Parking signs around buildings as needed. • EBG strongly discouraged vehicles coming and going from the garages or areas immediately outside the units. This is a safety issue for workers and owners as well as to prevent damage to vehicles. Additionally, it will avoid vehicles being blocked in by construction equipment and personnel. • It is suggested owners move their vehicles to another area of the property until the work
on their building is completed. Consequently, parking restrictions will be relaxed during the construction period and parking on the street will be allowed in these instances. • The pool will be closed during tear off and replacement of the clubhouse roof. Page 2 of 4 • EBG will email the HOA if they cancel work due to rain or weather. Replacement Process 1. Interior inspection 2. Remove tile 3. Remove underlayment 4. Replace any bad wood 5. Install new underlayment, vents, and new seals for roof penetrations. 6. City Dry-In inspection 7. Load (placing/stacking) tile on roofs 8. Install tiles Monday, November 11th • Anticipated delivery of tile. Misc. • EBG will work 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM Monday – Saturday. • EBG will provide 2 days’ notice prior to moving to the next building for tear off. Tire Repair EBG will attempt to pick up all nails on a daily basis. If someone has a flat or finds a nail in a tire, they MUST follow this process to be
reimbursed by EBG for the repair: 1. Take a photo depicting the nail in the tire. 2. Take a photo of the nail after it is removed from the tire. 3. Provide a photo or copy of the receipt for the tire repair. 4. Submit via email to the EBG office ( ) and copy Aramis, project manager (

Thanks to the hard work of Daniel Porter, Mark Sredzinski and Cathy Vache, the Bluewater Coach Homes swimming pool and spa have been cleared by the health department and are now open for resident use. Bluewater Coach Homes Board of Directors

Bluewater Coach Home Owners, Please review the attached letter for important contact information for our new property management company - SAK & Associates Management Inc. Stephanie should be contacted with any questions or concerns regarding the community. In August, Paragon Financial Services mailed a letter to each of you to explain your options for payment of your quarterly HOA dues. If you previously had an ACH payment setup with Sandcastle, that terminated on August 31st. Please make sure you make any required changes to your payment method prior to submitting your next payment. Bluewater Coach Homes Board of Directors

Blue Water Coach Homes Condominium Association, Inc. August 2024 Dear Blue Water Coach Homes, Beginning September 1, 2024 our new association management company will be SAK & Associates Mgmt, Inc., Stephanie A. Kolenut, CAM can be reached at: By phone 239-645-0830 or via email Please begin sending any correspondences to Stephanie – 12901 McGregor Blvd, Ste 20-216 Ft. Myers, Fl 33919. *Please note this is the mgmt office address, payments will go to Paragon Financial Services* If you should have any question, concerns or suggestions, please contact Stephanie at your convenience.
Sincerely, Your Blue Water Coach Homes Board of Directors

To Blue Water Coach Homes Owners Recently all owners were asked to review and acknowledge the receipt of and
agreement with the Blue Water Coach Homes Orientation Guide. This guide was developed as to
share important information pertaining to community, and to share the guidelines that will
enhance the beauty of our community and protect our property value. Beginning, October 1, 2024, SAK Management and the Compliance Committee will be conducting
monthly community walks. During these walks, issues may be identified that will need your
attention. A notice of non-compliance could be issued. We encourage you to take the next month to review the owners’ Orientation Guide to determine
if there are any concerns that may need immediate attention. For your information we have
attached the Compliance Committee’s Resolution to give you a better understanding of the
compliance process. BLUEWATER COACH HOMES CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS CREATING A COMPLIANCE COMMITTEE AS FOLLOWS: COMMITTEE STRUCTURE: Committee members must be unit owners and cannot be a board member or live with a board member. Committee members cannot be officers, directors, or employees of the association or the spouse, parent, child, brother/sister of an officers, director, or employee. The committee will consist of a minimum of three members with one individual assigned as the committee chair.

1) The compliance committee is responsible for monthly inspections of the Bluewater Coach Homes property and for follow-up of matters of noncompliance brought forth by residents of the community. 2) The compliance committee shall provide the Board of Directors with a written report of matters of non-compliance with the Bluewater Coach Homes governing documents. 3) The compliance committee shall issue a first notice of non-compliance to address violations of the governing documents. The notice will include violation, steps to address the matter and requested deadline. A copy of the notice will be submitted to the secretary of the Board of Directors. 4) If a matter is to be considered for a fine, the Board of Directors meets at a duly noticed meeting, reviews the matter and levies a fine if deemed appropriate. A fine may be levied for continued non-compliance after receipt of the first notice of violation. 5) No fine shall exceed $100 per violation. However, a fine may be levied based on each day of continuing violation, with a single notice and an opportunity for a hearing, provided no fine in aggregate exceeds $1000. No fine shall become a lien against a unit. (Bylaws 8.1) 6) The owner against whom the fine is sought shall be afforded a hearing after reasonable notice of not less than 14 days. The notice must include 1) a statement of the date, time and place of the hearing, 2) a statement of the provision of the governing documents which allegedly been violated, 3) a short and plain statement of required evidence of compliance, and 4) amount of the fine. The hearing must be held before the compliance committee. If the compliance committee does not agree with the fine, the fine may not be levied. 7) If the association does not hear from the owner to be fined or the owner does not appear for the hearing, the hearing shall still be held, and documentation of the hearing sent to the secretary of the Board of Directors. 8) If the person who owes the fine does not pay, the Bluewaters Coach Homes homeowners association Board of Directors reserves the right to bring the violation into compliance and recoup all costs from the owner.

Several residents have voiced concerns about the status of the buildings and grounds in our
community. The Board of Directors is working diligently with our vendors and contractors
to complete the needed repairs, but many of these items are dependent on the completion
of other work.
As you are aware, the board was successful at winning our lawsuit against our insurance
company and we now have the funds needed to complete the repairs. The board has chosen
a roofing company, selected tiles, and has sent the roofing contract for a legal review.
We anticipate the roof replacements to start this fall. The gutters and fascia will be
addressed as part of the roof replacement, but as previously communicated if you have open
fascia areas that need to be closed, please complete the attached work request form.

The board is currently working to secure limited power washing for the community. The focus
of the work will be on areas that are slick and are a safety concern, community wide power
washing will be scheduled after the roofs have been completed as we expect the construction
vehicles to make quite a mess.

Solutions to the staining at the bottom of the pool are being investigated. These solutions
include chemical treatments as well as the draining and resurfacing of the pool bottom.
Resurfacing work cannot be done this time of year when the water table is high. It has
been shared that the patio furniture is in need of cleaning, the board is contacting our
clubhouse janitorial services and our handyman to resolve this issue and to get this work
scheduled on a regular basis.

Recently it was shared that the entry door from the pool to the restrooms was not functioning.
A board member investigated the issue and determined that a new battery was needed in the
lock. The door is now functional.

The gym equipment maintenance contract has been reestablished; this is one of the many
vendors that was impacted by the unsatisfactory performance of our current property
management company. Repairs to the equipment have been made and at this time the board is
not aware of any required repairs. If you find that a repair is needed, please complete
/ submit the attached work request form.
The board appreciates the community’s patience as we work through these issues. We ask you
to recognize that we are all volunteers doing our best to serve our community. There are
challenges beyond the board’s control including vendors who will not bid on work in a small
community such as ours, our responsibility to work within our budget, and the required
sequence of the scheduling of the required work.
We have included a Work Request Form and request that you use this to communicate with the
board to ensure that we capture the information correctly.
Bluewater Coach Homes Board of Directors.

BLUEWATER COACH HOME WORK EVALUATION REQUEST This work order or evaluation form is intended to give co-owners a means of written documentation regarding repair work that they believe is needed on or around our buildings, roadways and grounds. The work may be directed toward your unit or work in general that you feel may need to be evaluated by the board. Exterior work is usually the responsibility of the Association. Lanais and patios are restricted common areas and are the co-owners responsibility, as are garage doors, sliding doors, access doors, and windows. We all want to keep the maintenance up in our community, so use this form to address your request. The board will review the request to ensure it falls under the repair jurisdiction or responsibility of the Association and if so, then make a determination on the requested issue. Date of Request: ____________________________________________________ Requesting Co-Owner:________________________________________________ Address of Co-Owner: _____________________________________________________ Identify the exact location of the issue and describe in detail the damaged area or work you are requesting:____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ After completing the form give it to a board member or email to bluewatercoachhomes, this will ensure that the request is reviewed at the board meeting or in some cases before the next scheduled board meeting. BOARD ACTION & RECOMMENDATION (check response):  The repair/work is the responsibility of the Association and will be completed by _______________________________________________________________.  The repair/work is the responsibility of the Association and will be considered in the future.  The repair/work is not the responsibility of the Association.

Blue Water Coach Homes Condominium Association Board of Directors Minutes July 25, 2024

Call To Order - President Pam Austin called the meeting to order at 3:30PM and a quorum was established. Attendance Board Member in Attendance: President – Pam Austin, Vice President – Daniel Porter Secretary – Cathy Vache, Director – Linda Jordan Appointment of Treasurer Linda Jordan was appointed Treasurer as Susan Lewis resigned the position because they sold their unit. Board Vacancy President, Pam Austin announced there is a Board Vacancy and asked for owners wo are interested in serving to contact a board member. May Financials Sandcastle has not forwarded June financials. Treasurer, Linda Jordan noted that the association is over budget by $40,000 due to expenses associated with the new lift station, fire equipment repairs and cable expenses. She is looking into these areas. Insurance Settlement and Assessment Rebate President, Pam Austin reported that the Insurance settlement proceeds are in accounts recently established accounts with Wintrust Wealth Management based in Naples, Fl. The proceeds are deposited in 30, 60, 90 day, 6 month and 12month T-Bills, which allows the board the liquidity to move money as needed in the short term to cover hurricane damage expenses. Wintrust will be establishing an office in Cape Coral this fall. The accounts that were still open at Truist Bank from our previous property management company, American Condo, have been closed, and those funds have been moved new money market accounts at Barrington Bank and Trust (the banking side of Wintrust). Our banker also recommended moving all of our reserve funds and any overage in operating funds at Sandcastle to the new money market accounts to keep them under the association’s sole control. The association’s attorney advised the board to refund the hurricane assessment since we received enough money from the insurance proceeds and our reserves to cover the cost of new roofs and windows. Florida law dictates that insurance proceeds must be, payed to the owner of record; i.e. the current owner. If there is an owner of a unit with a pending sale, the seller is advised to with include an addendum to their closing agreement that if there is a refund of hurricane assessment it will be payable to the seller. Assessment Rebates will not occur until the new property management company takes over in September. ROOFS and WINDOWS Vice President, Daniel Porter reported that 3 Contractors were contacted and invited to send proposals to Blue Water to replace Hurricane damaged roofs, fascia, gutters and downspouts. The companies interviewed were Magna, Colonial Roofing and Elias Brothers. After reviewing the respective proposals, Elias Brothers was the first choice. They were the only company to present an alternative solution to the roof run off. They have been responsive in the interim, doing patches and roof repairs. They have committed to continuing to address any leaks that may arise prior to the start of the project. They were also the lowest bidder by $90,000. They have indicated that it will take two months to get our tile, which will be the same as what we have, and four to five months to complete the job. Cathy Vache made a motion to contract with Elias Brothers; Linda Jordan seconded and all were in favor. Window contractors will now be invited to submit proposals for replacement windows on all the buildings and the clubhouse. Interviews will take place following those submissions. We will be asking for bids on regular double pane tinted windows with argon gas and for hurricane impact windows in the event an owner wants to pay to upgrade. We will also ask for the replacement cost of the large slider windows anticipating better pricing if owners want to pay to replace them at the time the other windows are installed. Windows will begin after the roofs are finished. MULCH Mulching which is usually done in the fall was discussed. Use of rubber mulch and looking into the use of stones also discussed. Based on the onset of rainy season and the construction that will be taking place, a motion was made to defer mulching until after the roofs and windows are replaced. The motion was made by Cathy Vache, seconded by Daniel Porter and all were in favor. Compliance Committee Treasurer, Linda Jordan presented an outline for the committee structure and responsibilities. Linda Jordan made a motion to adopt the Compliance Committee resolution, Cathy Vache seconded and all were in favor. The committee will be made up of three residents who are not directors or employees of the association nor spouse, parent, child or relative of the same as previously noted. Management Company President, Pam Austin presented information in regards to the search for a new property management company. SAK and Associates Property Management and Paragon Financial Services of Florida were very responsive and most closely fit our association needs. SAK handles the property management side and Paragon Accounting handles all the financial duties. Both owners have CAM licenses and SAK also has a realtor’s license and will do our estoppels. Daniel Porter made a motion to contract with SAK and Paragon, Cathy Vache seconded and all were in favor. The change in companies will occur September 1st. Owners will receive additional information soon. Member Comments The 2024 Legislative changes affecting Florida Homeowner Associatons was mentioned. Welcome to New Owners: Alec Davis and Trudy – Unit 501 Denise & Mike Happer- Unit 1201

More good news, we have received our settlement check; This check represents our final payment after attorney, and adjuster's fees along with other related expenses. Also, a reminder that our next regular quarterly association meeting will be held on Thursday July 25th at 3:30 PM at the clubhouse or by joining the meeting via Zoom. The board will go over the details of the settlement and discuss estimated costs and timelines for the replacement of our roofs and windows. It's been a long road for all of us, with much frustration and tensions, but we can now look forward to returning Blue Water to its former stunning self with added improvements. Wishing all of you a happy 4th of July Holiday! Best Regards, Pam Austin, President for the Blue Water Board of Directors

Dear Owners, At our Annual meeting April 18th, we discussed grading and landscaping to our seawall to prevent further erosion of areas that are compromised by current run off from the buildings. This is not a repair for the damaged portion of seawall caused by Ian, although that area would be graded as well. Attached is an informational paper Tom Santelle, a mechanical engineer and owner of unit 603 prepared for the board's consideration. We said at the meeting that we would obtain an estimate and scope of work from our current landscaping company, which has already been requested, since we would like to move forward on this project before rainy season begins. Please feel free to share comments or questions with board member Daniel Porter Daniel Porter. Regards, Pam Austin, President for the board

Since My website is not a private site I will only send private information to your E-mail. Since our normal website got shut down, I will try to answer your needs as best I can. My name is Ed Van Grol and I live in 1301 during the winter and western NY in the summer So I guess that makes me a Snobird. You can reach me at
Hope you enjoy!