Up Coming Events

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~January Events~ Let’s Kick Off the New Year with Fun! Join us for an evening of good reads and great company! First Monday of the month Book Club at Clubhouse 6 pm. Info call Sheri McIver 817-798-6500. ~Come play and learn the art of Mahjong~ Tuesday Mahjong at Clubhouse 2:00 pm. Beginners Mahjong Thursdays at Clubhouse 10:00 am. Info Contact Cindy Muensterman at 812-618-7232 for Tuesday or Patti Spannan 224-588-2638 for Thursday. January 8th is Sunset Tiki Hut Happy Hour at 5:00 pm. Bring an appetizer to share and your drink of choice! Time to Roll the Dice and have a Blast! January 15th Bunco in the Clubhouse at 6:00. Further details to come. Let’s have some friendly competition! January 29th Game Night 6:00 at the Clubhouse. Further details to come. Special Event Winter Wonderland Wine Gala ~ Saturday, January 25 at 6:30 Wine and Light Foods will be provided. There will be a 50/50 drawing. Dressy casual with a pop of Black, White, Silver, or Gold to make the night sparkle!

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